
I miss blogging. I got so busy with the summer, vacation planning and traveling and everything that I really let it slide. I’m not saying I am going to be awesome (or even consistent) but I am going to try to be better.

Saturdays are really our Friday, so I still had the kids to myself today. They talked me into taking all of them, plus Rusty, to the local dog park. It’s called Woofter Park and they have a small dogs area, and a big dogs area. The girls helped hold Rusty’s leash and carry a blanket for us while I carried the diaper bag with snacks and water and Wyatt (not included in the diaper bag).  Everyone had fun. Rusty had a blast running and barking and playing with the other dogs and it really reminded me we have more than just 3 kids. The pets need a little more from us sometimes too. The girls ran and chased Rusty, and all three kids loved petting the other new dogs. It was a wonderful morning.

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The girls also discovered their love of climbing fences, and seriously… they went to town. I was all the way on the other side of the park and they just started climbing, and didn’t stop.

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I had my camera zoomed in all the way for these.

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I had to keep saying “Don’t go all the way over the top.” And if you know my girls, their response won’t surprise you… “For what?”

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On our way to the dog park we stopped at a neighborhood garage sale. They had a bunch of toys and stuff but the thing that made me unload all of my kids was a kitchen nook table. The cool corner bench kind that Russell and I talked about putting in when we first bought our house. It wasn’t in nice enough shape that I asked the price, but the girls did spot a Little Tikes table that they liked. They have still been eating in high chairs and I think at 3 1/2 are probably ready to learn to be big kids and sit still and not make huge messes.


Am I right?

I hope so because we went home to get some cash an bought the little table. My parents bought a picnic style table a year ago or so for them, but it has kinda been taken over as a craft table (coloring, play-dough, etc) so I justified picking up this one too. Hopefully Russell agrees. I guess we could always use one as an outside table and one for inside.

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Published in: on August 3, 2013 at 1:00 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. cute!

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